STREAM ‘EM AND LEAVE ‘EM: Titles Leaving Netflix This Week (Nov 2 - 8)

Well hello flixers! Here’s this weeks Stream ‘Em and Leave ‘Em, a complete list of all the titles leaving Netflix this week! Sure, you might not know most of these movies that are leaving. You might also be excited to know that they’re still making Bratz movies, and that they’re still unpopular with todays generation, too.

Either way, all the titles leaving Netflix this week are worth checking out before they’re gone for good! — Er, at least until they come back again, much like all the titles that came to Netflix yesterday, November first. The fact is, Netflix is focusing on new original content and trying to make a name for themselves with their hard hitting shows like Daredevilor Jessica Jones, even Master of None even comedian Aziz Ansari has tough time here and there! Perfect for television.

But while you’re waiting for their new content to come out, you might as well take a look at these titles since they’re leaving Netflix soon. Enjoy!



November 2


November 3


November 4


November 5


November 6


November 7